~ Edith Sitwell
"I try to leave out the parts that people skip." ~ Elmore Leonard
"The wastebasket is a writer's best friend." ~Isaac Bashevis Singer
I almost always share three things with you on Thursday.. Today I am sharing three poems.. But Before I do that I'd like to let you know about my new Blog.. for a while I have been posting a lot of Photo's here along with my poems and words.. I will still be sharing Photo's here some of the time.. But from now on I will be posting most of my Photo's on my new Blog.. Please take the time to visit me there.. @ Patsy's Photos!.. I thank you for stopping by my blog today.. I hope you have enjoyed your visit .. Have a wonderful day!!
#1~ a short poem
a warrior awakes
full~ hardened at sunrise
love breaks his fasting
young squaw with belly rounded
quickening~ a warrior wakes
Written By: Patricia Sawyer
#2~ A Senryu
Love of Money
sitting at the bar
sweet desire an untamed fire~
tender smiles for tips
written by: Patricia Sawyer
#3 ~ Thursday Thunks..

Welcome to the July 22nd edition of Thursday Thunks!
They pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want.
Write about it on your blog... simple as that.
Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - they don't care!
Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post.
Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs.
Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks responses!
That's what all this is about after all, isn't it?
We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....
Thursday Thunks: None of Your Business
The TT questions are brought to you by Bud, the color of Jill Hennessy's marriage certificate and the number 33,333,333.
1. What is the most common question that you are asked (in life) that is none of the questioner's business? ~ what is the household income.. I think if Ours were higher we might not mind as much.. and honestly that question is on everything you have to fill out and unless It is important .. like maybe if we were seeking a loan.. I choose "rather not say!"
2. Who makes you happiest right now?~ I am basically a happy person.. but I love my dear
Husband Dave..
3. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled? ~ I am a spoiler.. and maybe I am a tiny bit spoiled by Dave...
4. Do you want to be famous one day? ~ I am famous now.. everybody around here knows me.. some folks who I would rather not know me.. but truly famous.. can I get the money without the fame??
5. Could you handle being in the military?~ No I would die on the first road march.. I can make up fine cadences though.. reckon they need a writer?
6. Do you believe in Karma? ~ Of course I believe in Karma..
7. What’s the stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone? ~ I don't "DO" anything with my cell phone except answer when it rings.. sometimes I don't even do that.. I hate cell phones..
8. Who knows a secret or two about you?~ I don't have any secrets... at least not any that anyone else knows..
9. Who is the most experimental person you know?~ does that mean they experiment with stuff? what stuff... I am going to say my oldest son.. only because he is scientific..
10. Last thing you did that ticked off your S/O (or if not in a relationship) most recent S/O?~ I most likely said something that he didn't agree with or he said something I didn't like and I was an ass..
11. Have you ever purposely been irritating to someone? If yes, explain. ~ I have never purposely been irritating to anyone.. and if I have been I wouldn't tell it on my blog for the whole world to see.. I used to follow a certain person around town giving her the nasty eye.. but I wasn't hoping to irritate her.. I was hoping she would stop.. I had and still have something I want to give her....
12. What's crazy to you? ~ I have been told I am crazy myself so I don't think there is much that really seems crazy to me...
13. Who (other than the three of us TT writers) writes the most interesting blog? ~ I visit a huge number of blogs each and every day.. I like way to many of them to list them all.. I do like my own though I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be my answer.. ThomG from Three word Wednesday has interesting blogs.. I love his writing style..
~ and those are my thoughts for Thursday's Thunks!!
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