- Langston Hughes
"Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won't feel like watching."
- Fran Lebowitz
"Some people are making such thorough preparation for rainy days that they aren't enjoying today's sunshine."
- William Feather
#1~ Thursday Challenge ~ a place for photographic fun!
~ "WEATHER" (Sunny, Calm, Rainy, Snowy, Icy, Fog, Clouds, Thunderstorm, Lightening, Hail, Windy,...)

#2~ An acrostic poem.. look for a phrase along the edge..
Bible thumpers you call us
Less than willing to believe
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
Scientific facts.. easier to trust
Something real to believe you once said
I smiled.. having walked down the same road myself
No need for me to let breath go wasted
Goodness and Mercy will find you yet
Should you ever take the time to count
Cant you even count that high
Over and over I hear your rant
Underpaid.. under loved.. pitiful you
Never take for granted the truth of life
Tender moments overlooked
Even the smallest of blessings
Deserves to be recognized
Over and over I sang out loud
Never minding that my throat is dry
Eventually you slept.. peaceful at last
Barely able now to recall
Years of lean times.. basics the blessings
Oh how I cried and prayed
Needing something real to hold on to
Every day a trial.. every moment a blessing.
written By: Patricia Sawyer
#3 ~ a Senryu.. similar to a haiku but on human nature..
romping horsemen leer ~
spellbound illusions splattered
squalling maidens bathe
written By: Patricia Sawyer
Thanks to everyone who stopped by and another special thanks to those who stayed long enough to read my words.. Have a great day!
Always fun to stop in to see what you are writing, Patsy! :)
What a fun way to capture the rain. Hope you had stopped driving to do this, though!!
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