"Chase after the truth like all hell and you'll free yourself, even though you never touch its coat tails." ~ Clarence Darrow
“With the catching ends the pleasure of the chase”~ Abraham Lincoln
Wordless Wednesday!

Each and every week they post three words... You write something using the words...
a poem.. a story... a paragraph.. a sentence.. Then you should go back and post a link to your contribution with Mr. Linky... There is no hard-and-fast rule that you have to post on Wednesday... You are invited to visit and comment on the things other folks share..
This week's words are~ abuse, cramp, hatred
I share with you a senryu...
Striking Back
'oft born of abuse
hate grows to a bitter cramp~
red-handed it ends
Written By: Patricia Sawyer

This weeks word Prompt is ~ Strike..
Thanks for visiting my blog today.. I welcome comments! Have a wonderful day!
Dear Patricia,
Those that know the difference between a haiku and a senryu are limited in numbers, to say the least.
I forever ponder the nature of causality between abuse and hate.
The last fortnight the American media was fixated on a story which, at its margins (sadly, rather than at its reported heart) had a woman who suffered racial abuse and, ultimately, grew up with a desire to help, not hate, in her heart.
I would much rather if we could all agree that red faced rather than red-handed was the natural ending for your senryu, but, that is not the way our world is.
Nice work; you obviously engaged me.
Lovely dragon fly capture. the other day there were hundreds of them in the front yard.
beautiful senryu.. i'm afraid i'm one who falls in the category that Chris mentioned. if u hadnt told it was a senryu, i'd have thought it was a haiku..!
thanks for sharing!
Hi, Patsy, I've come by via Wordless Wednesday. You have captured my attention with your photo and senryu. I look forward to exploring your blog more.
I like to hope that people who have been taught to hate and fear others will one day allow themselves to recognize they are and stop. Some moments, or with some people, I have heavy doubts.
~Su-sieee! Mac
This and That. Here and There. Now, Sometimes Then.
Loved the photo and the senryu!
super cool critter!
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